Friday, November 19, 2010

Making Art Connections

Intention of this blog is to invite you to make art links. I am an art educator and find most joy in the serendipitous discoveries I make when reading or researching.

Last week, a case in point, had been researching sculptor Barbara Hepworth and thinking about the St Ives School and her marriage to Ben Nicholson. (see TATE for info on him including virtual sculpture garden on her) Then visited a local exhibition Zen and the art of Japanese Ceramics at Newcastle Region Gallery where I noticed pots by the famous Japanese Ceramicist Hamada Shoji.

On looking up Guggenheim exhibition The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia 1860 - 1989 (great exhibition interactive including Chronology) I looked at the date 1920 where I found reference to Bernard Leach and Hamada Shoji going to St Ives to set up Leach Pottery (still active today). Image here Hamada Shoji's workshop. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I am fascinated by the St Ive's artists. I found a reference to the painters as the 'middle generation british abstractionists' and that engaged me in looking at William Scott, Roger Hilton, Patrick Heron and John Piper. I saw a swag of their paintings while in Scotland earlier this year.
